
Berserk Skeleton Meme Template

Berserk Skeleton Meme Template
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In the vast and colorful world of internet memes, some stand out for their dark humor and striking visuals. The Berserk Skeleton meme template is one such example, featuring a haunting image of red-colored skeletons that has captured the imaginations of meme-makers everywhere.

In this blog, we will discover about the meme template, its origin, and its spread on the internet.

Berserk Skeleton Meme Template

Here’s the Berserk Skeleton Meme Template. Download it and create funny reels and memes for your social media page.

Download the meme template below:

Berserk Skeleton Meme Template Without Audio

Check out The Disaster Girl Meme Template

Origin of the Berserk Skeleton Meme

The meme originated from Berserk, a manga and anime series by Kentaro Miura. The second episode of the series shows a group of menacing skeletons emerging from the dark. This particular scene known as “Berserk Skeletons” or “Hater Skeletons”, became a famous meme template.

Also, Check out: Stonks Meme Template

Spread of The Meme Template

The internet has a way of taking a moment and transforming it into a cultural phenomenon, and the Berserk Skeletons were no exception.

The spread of the Berserk Skeleton meme started with an image posted by an anonymous Tumblr user on or before March 29, 2014, with the caption “You should have died.”

Later, by May 19, 2015, another Tumblr user shared a new take on the meme, saying, “If you smoke weed, you’ll end up like us.”

After being uploaded, the clip became meme material. The meme is now seen in various YouTube videos, Instagram posts, and reels. It found new life as a template for expressing various emotions, from mocking disdain to collective disapproval. 

Final Words

The Berserk Skeleton meme template is a perfect example of how a single moment from a cult classic anime can evolve into a widespread internet sensation.

As memes come and go, the Berserk Skeletons remain a steadfast favorite, proving that some memes, much like the skeletons themselves, refuse to die.

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