
AstraZeneca Admits Rare Blood Clot Risk With Covishield: Internet Reacts With Memes On X

Covishield memes
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Ah, Covishield, the vaccine that’s been making headlines once again! AstraZeneca recently made a rather unexpected admission – their Covid vaccine can have some rare side effects. Talk about plot twists! This revelation has led to quite the buzz online, with Covishield memes flooding the internet.

AstraZeneca, in collaboration with The University of Oxford, developed the AZD1222 vaccine back in 2020 to combat the coronavirus. In India and other countries, it was rolled out under the name “Covishield” by the Serum Institute of India. But now, with the news of rare side effects causing a stir, the internet is flooded with memes capturing the absurdity of the situation.

According to The Telegraph, while AstraZeneca is contesting the claims, they did admit in a legal document submitted to the High Court in February that their Covid vaccine “can, in very rare cases, cause TTS” – Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome.

From humorous takes on blood clots to poking fun at legal battles, the online world has found a way to turn a serious topic into a meme-worthy moment. It’s fascinating how humor can offer a light-hearted perspective on even the most complex issues. So, sit back, relax, and join us as we take a humorous dive into the world of Covishield memes!

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The pharmaceutical company faces a class-action lawsuit alleging its Covid-19 vaccine, developed with Oxford University, caused death and serious injury, including TTS, leading to blood clots.

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