Everyone likes to have a pet. The question is, are you a dog person or a cat person? Dogs are more loyal in nature and generally happy, loving pets. Cats on the other hand are more majestic pets that will ignore you all day and treat you as if you are their pet. Love them or hate them, they are cute furry creatures to adopt. These furry partners have now evolved into funny, hilarious memes on the internet showcasing their majestic cat side.

Cat memes are so adorable that their hilarious images or videos doing the most random things will make you LOL all day and night. Cats are extremely photogenic and their entire personalities can be captured in that single video or image that may take up to be a meme for the internet to enjoy.
When we open Instagram now, we get suggested videos of cute pets doing cute things that help us take the edge off things. In a way, that’s Instagram’s own way to help us take a breather and enjoy a laugh or two by seeing the cuteness overload of these fur-balls. Whether they are just laying down or getting into mischief, a lot of cat owners will be able to relate to the memes when they see them.
Meet Meow!
I had a cat myself whom I adopted when I heard a kitten cry behind some plants of mine in my parking lot. I named my cat Meow because that’s pretty much all he ever said besides Purr when he was excited and happy. My cat was one strange fella who loved his daily dose of cheese. Meow used to go inside my backpack and fall asleep. He also crawled into my lap to get to my textbook and fall asleep on the most boring pages. He was the most coward cat who was even afraid to kill a fly with his paw.
I remember I gave him mango juice once because he insisted and made him itchy for the entire evening. Spoiler alert: don’t give your pets something sweet! My dad on the other hand gave him a sip of beer once and I surely remember that cat got tipsy for the entire night.
This cat was always my favorite pet because I nearly killed him within the first 3 days when he was sneaking down the stair case and I shouted his name to only give him a mini heart attack that made him fall down the stairs. Cats I guess really do have 9 lives because the next morning was like he was back from the dead.

There are so many popular famous viral cat memes on the internet. You are most familiar with memes on ‘Grumpy Cat.’ This meme features a picture of a cat that is obviously not happy and has a very grumpy facial expression. The captions convey a sarcastic and sassy attitude with snark in their humor. The other famous meme is from a scene in ‘The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills’ where a woman is yelling at the cat!
Cat memes are not going to end any time soon because with every new day comes a whole new meme and a new reaction from a cat. From them ignoring our existence to them following us around for love, they sure do make a funny meme.
Here are some top Memes on your furry partner: Majestic Cat Memes!
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