
Never Forget What They Took Away From Us: The Most Hilarious Memes That Remind Us of What We’ve Lost

Nostalgia hits hard!

Never Forget What They Took Away From Us
Never Forget What They Took Away From Us
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This trend does sound heavy and deep. But we can assure you that it’s the lightest and most delightful trend on the internet today. This new trend on Twitter has allowed social media users to flush with nostalgia and reminds them how good the older days were. Let’s jump on to some moments that make us never forget what they took away from us.

Here’s a glimpse of Nostalgia:

Apple iPods through the generations.

‘Never Forget What They Took Away from Us’ is a new trend started on Twitter. It’s getting attention from the public as they retweet things that existed in their childhood but no longer continued today. When we think about things from our childhood that don’t exist anymore, we probably think about Cadbury Bytes.

Things were definitely better when we had these items that weren’t taken away from us! But the thing about ‘good times’ is that we never know we’re living in the good old times till we actually leave them. These items may not live by our sides anymore and now discontinued, but they will forever live on in our hearts. Some items really are just golden. The memories of the items live on forever!

Child stocks maggi packages as it gets banned!

When Maggi got banned due to the high content of lead and other components, we got a mini-heart attack because we didn’t know it was a temporary ban at the moment. We stocked up and loaded our houses with Maggi as if we were going to sell them in a Black market soon. We probably never really cherished it the way we did when it got banned. Same with our old 500 and 1000 Rupees note. When it got demonetized, we understood how insanely unique they were.

Irrespective of everything, we should never forget what they took away from us! We will always live with the memories of those items and learn to cherish all good things from now on because we never know when a good time may lead to become the good old days!

Some Top moments from Never Forget What They Took Away From Us!

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