
This Is Business: Meme Template

This Is Business – Meme Template
This Is Business – Meme Template
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Have you come across the “This Is Business meme”? It’s a popular internet trend that actually originated from the 2003 Nigerian film, Baby Police. In the movie, the character Dada, played by Osita Iheme, uses the phrase in response to his uncle’s inquiry about the money he had invested with some supposed “businessmen.” As it turns out, Dada was scammed by thugs, and his response of “This Is Business” has since become a meme used to mock deceitful individuals.

While the phrase has evolved over time to be used in different ways, its essence remains the same. The “This Is Business” meme is often used to make fun of the stereotypical behavior associated with the business world, such as the serious conversations, suits, and coffee sipping. It’s a way for people to lighten up the sometimes stuffy and serious atmosphere of the corporate world and highlight the importance of humor and levity in the workplace.

Not only internet users but also entrepreneurs, startup founders, and even corporate executives have embraced the meme to add a bit of humor and self-awareness to their work lives. It has become a shorthand for acknowledging that things don’t always go as planned in business, but it’s important to keep a level head and move forward.

In conclusion, the “This Is Business” meme is a lighthearted way to make fun of the sometimes serious and stuffy nature of the business world. Although it originated from a serious situation in a Nigerian film, its use has evolved to remind people of the importance of humor and levity in their work lives. So go ahead and drop a “This Is Business” comment in your next serious business meeting to lighten the mood!

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