
Titanic: History repeats itself with the Submarine!

Titanic: History repeats itself with the Submarine!
Titanic: History repeats itself with the Submarine!
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When we think about Titanic, our mind straightaway clicks to the love story of Jack and Rose, portrayed by Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet in James Cameron’s iconic 1997 love story hit – ‘Titanic.’ The movie again brought to our screens after years on the 25th Anniversary of the blockbuster movie during Valentine’s Week of 2023. But it seems like the curse uplifted from Titanic when a blockbuster movie was named that. Let’s see how Titanic caused history to repeat itself with the submarine and floated the internet with so many memes!

On 18th June 2023, history repeated itself with the submarine this time! Oceangate’s Titan Submersible had gone underwater to explore the Titanic wreck in the North Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada, but soon imploded due to a detected anomaly. It sadly caused the death of all passengers on board namely: CEO Stockton Rush, Shahzada Dawood and his son Suleman Dawood, Hamish Harding, and Paul-Henri Nargeolet.

Oceangate's Titan Submarine Implosion

The internet does not let go of any trend no matter how heavy and devastating it may be to come up with a shipload of memes! In fact, Netflix too didn’t let go of this opportunity to bring back the movie Titanic onto its platform! The internet was taken aback by the marketing tactics of Netflix this time. They saw a chance, and they took it! The movie Titanic will always remind you of Celine Dion’s soothing voice singing – “My Heart Will Go On” but the internet had some serious jokes about that! Celine Dion would probably sing that tune near the now-blown Oceangate’s Titan Sub! A lot of memes focused on how Titanic 2 is definitely in the making after this traumatic set of events. James Cameron would probably take inspiration from this Titan Sub implosion for his next film!

The emergence of memes around the Oceangate Titan sub-implosion made us realize the intricate relationship between tragedy and humor. It is natural for the internet to react in such humorous ways with memes on serious events, but we should realize how these unfortunate events may make others or the close family and friends of the deceased may feel. After the serious events, Oceangate has suspended all operations and explorations till further notice after the serious events. Though there is no harm in making memes on serious topics, we should always respect and maintain a balance in taking a note of unfortunate events.

Let’s have a look at some of the memes on Oceangate’s Titan Sub Implosion:

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