If we’re lucky in this life, we might get to meet our Doppelgänger. But there are some lucky people who get to see Doppelgängers of other people and get to capture that moment. If you’ve seen the hit TV series – ‘How I Met Your Mother’, in which each of the friends spots a Doppelgänger of each other. In the other hit TV series, ‘Friends’, we see that Rachel replaced Ross with his Doppelgänger – ‘Russ’. Here’s an introduction to some Forbidden Pair: Celebrity Doppelgänger edition!
Some of these Doppelgängers seem so scarily alike that it seems forbidden to even compare them. Recently this new internet trend started where people on social media find such examples of these forbidden pairs. These forbidden pairs are the visual comparison of celebrities, memes, or even fictional characters. They look identical but if we link them together, it seems more of a taboo.

In early 2021, a user on Twitter tweeted about forbidden pairs which got a lot of likes and hence became a trend as users started to comment and quote tweets with what they felt was a suitable forbidden pair.
In April 2023, this tweet started to gain attention all over again with people quote retweeting with what they feel is the best-forbidden pair. There have been so many forbidden pairs and funny ones too! People are comparing celebrities with a loaf of bread, a laughing cow, or even animated show characters! Once you see some of these tweets, there is no going back as those images are printed in your brain forever. Such images will live rent-free in your mind for ages to come.
The forbidden pairs trend is a fun way to compare celebrities to objects or other people and there’s no going back. Once you see the uncanny resemblance, you are in it for life.
Here are some Forbidden Pair of celebrity Doppelgängers that you can’t un-see:
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